report produced with glance, version
analysis generated Fri Feb 26 16:33:46 2016 by user rayg on
file A:
path: /data3/rayg/sdr22_comparisons/SCRIS_npp_d20151203_t2055129_e2103107_b21245_c20151204030311985595_noaa_ops.h5
md5sum for file A: fc4d3d1ad01180bcabbb4b8a927d18c6
last modified: Fri Feb 19 17:11:43 2016
file B:
path: /data3/rayg/sdr22_comparisons/SCRIS_npp_d20151203_t2059289_e2059587_b21245_c20151204213733747826_cspp_dev.h5
md5sum for file B: 30ccda2960e03266a1c250bfc78b48dc
last modified: Fri Dec 4 21:37:34 2015
A configuration file was used to control the production of this report.
Please see this copy of the configuration file
for details.
Note: The data for this variable from file A was filtered.
Note: The data for this variable from file B was filtered.
variable name: All_Data/CrIS-SDR_All/DS_SpectralStability
epsilon value: 0.0
"missing" data value in A: -999.3
"missing" data value in B: -999.3